Tell us a little about where you are from.
I am from a small town in East Tennessee near the Virginia border called Kingsport. However, I have been in and out of the greater Nashville area for over 20 years.
What did you do before your career in massage?
I have had several careers before Massage Therapy! I mostly worked in sales or customer service. One of my favorite jobs was selling cars, which was fun. That lead me to another fun career as a Realtor. In Nashville, I worked as an Admissions Representative for a beauty college and worked my way up to Director of Admissions. It was then that I decided to start a career that I wanted!
What influenced your decision to be a massage therapist?
I love the holistic healing journey! Massage Therapy helps with so much and in so many different avenues from physical to mental as well. I enjoy being a part of my clients health journey.
What is your proudest achievement?
My proudest achievement is raising my 20 year old son! However, I just completed a tandem read with the 2 books having over 70 chapters each. That was also challenging lol
What do you like about working at Champion Wellness?
I absolutely love my clients! Also, working with Dr. Heather. Her and I have a lot of the same vision for our clients and work great as a team to help.
What's something you're passionate about, and why does it matter to you?
I am passionate about living life to the fullest. Whatever that looks like for you. Do what it takes to make yourself happy everyday.
What do you enjoy doing in your free time?
As a true Taurus, I enjoy food, sleep, and shopping. I also love books. My favorite author right now is Sara J Maas. I'm in the Throne of Glass series. My goal now is to travel abroad at least once a year.
If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would it be and why?
Well the first place I'm traveling is Costa Rica. They have a place that takes care of sloths that you can actually stay at! You can even go behind the scenes and tour the location. Then, I want to go to Scotland. I'm excited to see if I can travel back in time when I touch the Callanish Stones. If you know, you know lol
What is something you've always wanted to learn or try?
I want to learn sign language. Also I would love to learn to sew so I can make my own clothes.
To learn more about the massage styles that Racheal offers at Champion Wellness or to book your next session, click here!
Dr. Heather Champion
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