What are rehabilitative exercises?
And why do you need them?
If one simple adjustment was the answer for every ache and pain, life would be so easy! Our bodies are a team effort of many moving pieces, but sometimes that team doesn't want to cooperate as one. In order to correct dysfunction or imbalance, we must put in the work together. In addition to an adjustment, Dr. Heather often incorporates a phased rehab plan into treatment. When there are muscle imbalances, it is just as important to strengthen the elongated weak muscles as it is to stretch the tight ones.
How do you incorporate the rehab?

Phase Two
It is just as important to strengthen weak muscles as it is to stretch the tight ones. In phase two you will learn how to properly activate muscles in a variety of strengthening exercises.

Phase Three
In the last phase, we will work to transition you into exercise or return to sport activities. Ultimately, our goal is to train your body to not need a chiropractor anymore! What a weird plan right?